Church History
The founders of the Pine Ridge community came here to settle during the 1840's, soon after Texas was admitted to statehood. The Rev. David M. Jordan and his family moved to Pine Ridge probably during the late 1860's. A Baptist minister ordained in Alabama in 1852, Jordan had first come to Hardin County in 1858 and organized the Providence Baptist Church near the present town of Kountze.
Rev. Jordan organized the Pine Ridge Baptist Church in 1874. Joining him as charter members were Mary, Susan T., George B., W. J., and Sultana L. Jordan; Jessie and Missouri Jordan Daniels; the Rev. J. W. 'Billy' and Miley Jordan Teel; Mandy Shaw Cotton, Jane Teel, Thomas Laird, and Aletha Laird Herrington. Rev. Jordan donated land for a church and cemetery. During the early years, baptisms were held in Little Pine Island Bayou.
Upon the death of the Rev. D. M. Jordan in 1906, his son-in-law, the Rev. J. W. Teel, became the church's second pastor. Over the years, the congregation has been served by many able pastors, and several ministers have been licensed to preach from the church's membership.
With a history of service and leadership to the community, Pine Ridge Baptist Church continues to uphold the ideals and traditions of its founders.
(Texas Historical Commission Marker - 1985)